Friday, April 17, 2009

17 april 2009
Today is the best day ever!
While I,Mutiara andAmirah were waiting for our gardening club teachers,we decided to go and see the really pretty flowers from our school's garden.
We go to the computer lab for a test and to edit our blog.I really really felt happy today.
Thank You

Friday, April 3, 2009

This is a gardening tools that i have found in the google website.there are
flowers for decoration,watering pail,2 pair of gloves.

Doin Things In Com Lab!


Dish ish de mid of the day!

I felt boring sitting at the canteen before the activity strt.
While waiting,we decided to go to the school garden to play.

changing our mind,we went to come lab 3 to wait.but we are in the wrong com lab.
we were suyppose to wait at lab 2.
LoL!but at least we had fun!:D thanks and bye bye
nur atirah ayop